Despite attractive features (rapid extractions, small solvent volumes, non-toxicity of CO 2 , potential of selectivity depending on the fluid density, relatively clear and concentrated ex t ra c t s , p o s s i ble coupling with ch romatography and automation), the use of SFE in routine analytical ap p l i c ations is a rather slow process. Indeed, t h e major drawback of this recent technique is the large number of parameters to control and optimize, which results in time re q u i red for developing a new method. In add i t i o n , t h e extraction conditions are strongly dependent on the matrix to be extracted, so that parameters need to be adjusted for every new application. D e t e rm i n ation of pesticides remains a ch a l l e n ge fo r mainly three reasons: the wide variety of physicochemical properties and chemical structures of pesticides, the many possible matrices that should be investigated, and the trace c o n c e n t rations at wh i ch pesticides are usually pre s e n t . Recent papers reviewed environmental applications of SFE [1,2], especially with regards to the extraction of the main classes of pesticides [3][4][5]. As SFE perfo rmances are strongly dependent on the nature of the sample, this article will consider the matrices that have been submitted to SFE for pesticides determination.
Principle of SFEA fluid is in its supercritical state when both its pressure and temperature are above their critical value (when only one c ritical value is at t a i n e d, the fluid is said subcri t i c a l ) . Supercritical fluids possess unique properties, intermediate between gas and liquids properties [6][7][8][9][10]. In particular, their high diffusivity allows for rapid extractions. In addition, the fluid density may be precisely adjusted, by a correct choice of both pressure and temperature.The key parts of an SFE system are the high-pressure pump wh i ch delive rs the fl u i d, and the re s t rictor wh i ch maintains the pressure inside the system. Extraction is performed inside a high-pressure cell (containing the sample), maintained at the correct temperature. The fluid may simply fill the cell (static mode), or continuously flow through the vessel (dynamic mode). The extracted solutes are entrained by the supercritical fluid flow out of the cell; their collection is usually achieved as the fluid is depressurized by passing through the restrictor. The collected solutes are further analyzed using gas or liquid chromatography. Also, a few recent studies report the use of enzyme immunoassay as a rapid screening process [5,11,12]. Alternatively, the SFE system may be coupled on-line with chromatographic systems, gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC), or supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), by means of an interface [5,8]. For example, the coupling of SFE and SFC e n abled the determ i n ation of thiolcarbamate herbicides (molinate and thiobencarb) from spiked soil samples (with organic content from 1.75 to 12.9%) [13]. Obviously, such a system seems very attractive when traces of pest...