Background: Chronic diseases have become a major public health problem and the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. The burden of chronic kidney disease in India cannot be assessed accurately. QOL is an overall assessment of a person's well-being, which may include physical, emotional, and social dimensions, as well as stress level, sexual function, and self-perceived health status. Patients' quality of life (QOL) and satisfaction assessment are becoming increasingly important in health care delivery. There is evidence that better QOL and patient satisfaction might be associated with better medical outcome including reduced hospitalization and reduced mortality. The present aims are to assess the satisfaction level and quality of life among haemodialysis patients on dialysis therapy.Method: A descriptive study was chosen to assess the satisfaction level and quality of life among 100 haemodialysispatients. The structured questionnaire was used to assess the satisfaction level and quality of life among haemodialysispatients. The present study results depicts that in regards to the level of satisfaction on dialysis procedure 16%were completely dissatisfied, 37% were dissatisfied, 18% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 12% were satisfied and 17% were completely satisfied. The level of quality of life among haemodialysis patients, 8% had very negative impact, 42% had negative impact, 22% had no impact, 23% had positive impact and 5% had very positive impact.
Conclusion:The present study findings concluded that patients on HD were not having adequate QOL in all domains except patient satisfaction due to changes in the physiological, chemical changes occur in the kidney.