The article presents the results of the study of eight buckwheat varieties (Dikul (standard), Dasha, Diana, Design, Zhdanka, Zemlyachka, Natasha, Yashlek) for adaptability in the conditions of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. For this purpose, the following indices were determined for each variety: plasticity coefficient, stability measure, intensity, stability index, variety stability level index, homeostaticity, breeding value of the variety, and adaptability coefficient. The hydrothermal coefficient showed that in 2021 the period from the second ten-day period of May to the first ten-day period of September was dry, in 2020 and 2022 – excessively humidified. The index of environmental conditions was with the sign "–" only in 2022 (–2.942). It was with a "+" sign in 2020 and 2021 (+2.821 and +0.121, respectively). This made it possible to determine the ability of the studied buckwheat varieties to adapt under contrasting conditions. Based on the plasticity coefficient in combination with the measure of stability, the conclusion was made about the ability of the varieties Zemlyachka, Diana, Design, Dikul, Yashlek to give high yield in favorable conditions. But Diana, unlike the other three varieties, in unfavorable conditions can noticeably reduce the yield. The varieties Design, Dikul and Yashlek showed slight yield reduction in the same situation. Dasha and Natasha varieties can produce higher yields under the worst conditions. At the same time variety Dasha is able to give both high and low yields in any conditions, which indicates its high meteorological dependence, especially since the value of the yield of this variety varies little from year to year. At the same time, the Zhdanka variety can sharply reduce yields in some years. The adaptability coefficient showed that Yashlek, Design and Diana have a very high degree of adaptability. Dikul can also be attributed to the varieties with a high ability to adapt to stressful conditions. According to the results of the study, Yashlek is the most adaptive variety (sum of the ranks amounted to 22). Diana, Design, Dasha and Dikul were slightly behind (sum of the ranks was 24–33).