DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-90403-0_17
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Evaluation of Interactive Machine Learning Systems

Abstract: The evaluation of interactive machine learning systems remains a difficult task. These systems learn from and adapt to the human, but at the same time, the human receives feedback and adapts to the system. Getting a clear understanding of these subtle mechanisms of co-operation and co-adaptation is challenging. In this chapter, we report on our experience in designing and evaluating various interactive machine learning applications from different domains. We argue for coupling two types of validation: algorith… Show more

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Cited by 20 publications
(19 citation statements)
References 40 publications
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“…Multiplicity of stakeholders poses a challenge to the assessment of validity and result generalizability. User segmentation is confounded by factors including cultural and educational background, age, gender, expertise, moral, and social contexts [BBL18]. In the context of HCML, all these factors coupled with subtle differences like personality traits can influence how an action is perceived, reacted to, and executed.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Multiplicity of stakeholders poses a challenge to the assessment of validity and result generalizability. User segmentation is confounded by factors including cultural and educational background, age, gender, expertise, moral, and social contexts [BBL18]. In the context of HCML, all these factors coupled with subtle differences like personality traits can influence how an action is perceived, reacted to, and executed.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…A challenge of current HCML research is the ability to provide nuanced evaluations of systems, given their complexity and mul-tifaceted nature. Most papers provided small-scale evaluations of simplified and encapsulated tasks [BBL18]. The well-established methodology for ML evaluation (e.g., accuracy, F-score, squared error) only covers some result-oriented aspects of human work, such as their impact on model quality.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Humans can also act on their reactions to these models, such as by altering model parameters. This brings forth not only numerous intelligibility and usability issues, but also many open questions with respect to the evaluation of the various facets of the IVML system, both as separate components, and as a holistic entity that includes both human and machine intelligence [5,31]. For example, IVML tools need to be assessed more generally on their ability to increase task efficiency and correctness, as well as other possible metrics.…”
Section: Ieee Computer Graphics and Applicationsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This question of how to elicit feedback from the analyst does not only pertain to measuring success. IVML systems can be trained by user interactions that are implicit or explicit [5], and it is possible we need to adapt our metrics accordingly.…”
Section: #4 -Evaluation Guidelines and Metricsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Implicit human feedback on the other hand, is a mechanism through which a human can guide an iML agent's learning process through subtle cues, such as body language. And yet a third type of feedback is known as mixed human feedback which combines explicit and implicit feedback [17]. Although all three forms of feedback impose some cognitive load on the human, explicit feedback carries the heaviest cognitive burden, especially in real-world settings where humans have additional cognitive loads due to the environment.…”
Section: Interactive Machine Learningmentioning
confidence: 99%