The behavior of reinforced concrete moment resisting frame structures in recent earthquakes all over the world has highlighted the consequences of poor performance of beam column joints. Beam column joints in a reinforced concrete moment resisting frame are crucial zones for the transfer of loads effectively between the connecting elements (i.e. beams and columns) in the structure. In 1976, the design of beam column joint is first recommended and subsequently revision is carried out in the year 1985. Design specifications only for the beam column joints are given in IS 13920:1993. There is no provision for the type of column joint whether it be Edge column, Corner column or Interior column. Effect of slab is also not considered in this code. Hence a study and investigation is required on the beam-column joint with slab to suggest improvement in reinforcement detailing based on influence of slab. Two scaled specimens, one Interior Beam-Column joint with slab (BCJS) and another Interior Beam-Column joint without slab (BCJ) were made. Tests were carried out in structural laboratory and the results are discussed here.