Thickness dependent magnetic and transport properties of compressively strained La 0.88 Sr 0.12 MnO 3 thin films grown on single crystalline SrTiO 3 ͑100͒ substrates have been studied. All films exhibit a large enhancement of ϳ130 K in T C / T IM as compared to that of the bulk target ͑T C ϳ 175 K͒. This has been explained in terms of suppression of the cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion due to in-plane compressive strain. The T C / T IM of the 5 nm film is 315 K/318 K and slightly increases for film thicknesses Յ25 nm. At higher film thicknesses, ϳ60 nm, the T C / T IM starts decreasing. At T Ͼ T IM , the electrical transport is due to thermally activated hopping of small polarons. The activation energy is found to be sensitive to film thickness and shows a minimum at around L ϳ 15-25 nm, which corresponds to the maximum of T C / T IM . All films possess large magnetoresistances ͑MRs͒ in the vicinity of room temperature. Low as well as high field MRs are observed to nearly double as the film thickness increases from 5 nm ͑MRϳ 28% / 3 T͒ to 60 nm ͑MR% ϳ 50% / 3 T͒. Thicker films ͑L Ն 25 nm͒ are found to exhibit sufficiently large temperature coefficients of resistivities, ϳ4% -5% / K, which could be suitable for bolometric applications.