Abstract. This study presents a statistical analysis of the properties of ice hydrometeors in tropical
mesoscale convective systems observed during four different aircraft campaigns. Among the
instruments on board the aircraft, we focus on the synergy of a 94 GHz cloud radar and
two optical array probes (OAP; measuring hydrometeor sizes from 10 µm to about
1 cm). For two campaigns, an accurate simultaneous measurement of the ice water content is
available, while for the two others, ice water content is retrieved from the synergy of the radar
reflectivity measurements and hydrometeor size and morphological retrievals from OAP probes. The
statistics of ice hydrometeor properties are calculated as a function of radar reflectivity factor
measurement percentiles and temperature. Hence, mesoscale convective systems (MCS) microphysical
properties (ice water content, visible extinction, mass–size relationship coefficients, total
concentrations, and second and third moments of hydrometeor size distribution) are sorted in
temperature (and thus altitude) zones, and each individual campaign is subsequently analyzed with
respect to median microphysical properties of the merged dataset (merging all four campaign
datasets). The study demonstrates that ice water content (IWC), visible extinction, total crystal
concentration, and the second and third moments of hydrometeor size distributions are similar in all
four types of MCS for IWC larger than 0.1 g m−3. Finally, two parameterizations are
developed for deep convective systems. The first concerns the calculation of the visible
extinction as a function of temperature and ice water content. The second concerns the
calculation of hydrometeor size distributions as a function of ice water content and temperature
that can be used in numerical weather prediction.