and phosphate phosphorus [P-PO 4 ] loads). Calibration and validation were conducted using the SWAT-CUP program and SUFI-2 (Sequential Uncertainty Fitting Version 2) algorithm. The Nash--Sutcliffe effi ciency, which was set as an objective function in calibration of all variables, was equal for discharge to 0.75 and 0.61 for calibration and validation periods, respectively. For TSS, N-NO 3 and P-PO 4 loads NSE was equal to 0.56, 0.62 and 0.53 in calibration period, and 0.22, 0.64 and -1.78 in validation period, respectively. For the calibration period all the results are satisfactory or good, while for the validation period the results for TSS and P-PO 4 loads are rather poor, which is related mainly to the lack of homogeneity between calibration and validation periods. These results demonstrate that SWAT is an appropriate tool for quantifi cation of nutrient loads in Polish agricultural catchments, in particular for N-NO 3 . The model can therefore be applied for water resources management, for quantifi cation of scenarios of climate and land use change, and for estimation of the Best Management Practices effi ciency.