The self-magnetic-pinch diode is being developed as an intense electron beam source for pulsed-powerdriven x-ray radiography. In high-power operation, the beam electrons desorb contaminants from the anode surface from which positive ions are drawn to the cathode. The counterstreaming electrons and ions establish an equilibrium current. It has long been recognized, however, that expanding electrode plasmas can disrupt this equilibrium and cause rapid reduction of the diode impedance and the radiation pulse. Recently developed numerical techniques, which enable simultaneous modeling of particle currents with 10 13 cm À3 densities to plasmas of near solid density, are applied to a model of the self-magnetic-pinch diode which includes the formation and evolution of anode surface plasmas. Two mechanisms are shown to cause rapid impedance loss, anode plasma expansion into the anode-cathode (A-K) gap, and increased ion space-charge near the cathode surface. The former mechanism dominates for shorter A-K gaps, while the latter dominates for longer gaps. Model results qualitatively reproduce the time-dependent impedances measured for this diode.