To evaluate the marginal misfit between intermediate and micro-unitmetal cylinder, by varying the angle of the implants, using two different types of material and different molding techniques.
A model was made with three implants (one perpendicular to the horizontal plane and two inclined) using micro-unit intermediates. A rod attached to the master model served as a control condition to evaluate the suitability of the twenty specimens, carried out with the help of an optical stereomicroscope (Pantec, Brazil; Materials Testing Laboratory, São Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, São Paulo).
Evaluator reliability was assessed using theIntraclass Correlation
RESUMO ObjetivoAvaliar a desadaptação marginal entre intermediário micro-unit e cilindro metálicos, variando a angulação dos implantes, com dois tipos de materiais e diferentes técnicas de moldagem.
MétodoModelo com três implantes (um perpendicular ao plano horizontal e dois inclinados) usando intermediários micro-units. Uma barra mestre acoplada ao modelo serviu de situação controle para avaliar a adaptação dos vinte corpos de prova, feitas com estereomicroscópio óptico.
ResultadosA confiabilidade do avaliador foi avaliada com Índice de Correlação Intraclasse, obtendo 99,6% (ótimo). Houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos, e com o teste Mann-Whitney comparou-se os grupos aos pares para um resultado mais preciso.
ConclusãoO grupo que apresentou melhor comportamento foi o de tray aberta e silicone por condensação. O de pior resultado, que foi preciso ser moldado diversas vezes, foi o de tray fechada e silicone por condensação.Termos de indexação: Adaptação. Implantação dentária. Modelos anatômicos. while the implants at the ends were set at an angle of 15º in relation to the center implant. Intermediate implants of the micro-unit type, with a height of 1 mm and torque of 20 N.cm, were installed on top of these implants. A rod with a circular cross-section was waxed in order to join the cylinders to the micro-unit, wrought in Cobalt-Chrome and joined to the cylinders using laser welding, with the aim of obtaining maximum passivity and the adaptation of this superstructure to the master model.
Different materials and techniques for accurate molding for adaptation in angled implantsThe study consisted of 4 sample groups: 1) Group AF -Molding through the closed tray technique using addition silicone (Elite HD, Zhermack, Italy); 2) Group AA -Molding through the open tray technique using addition silicone (Elite HD -Zhermack); 3) Group CF -Molding through the closed tray technique using condensation silicone (Zetaflow -Zhermack); 4) Group CA -Molding through the open tray technique using condensation silicone (Zetaflow -Zhermack).In order to fabricate the individual trays, a small plaster model was made with the following dimensions: (H-2 cm; W-3.5 cm; D -2 cm). Using acrylic plates 2 cm thick we obtained 20 trays, 10 of which were open and 10 closed.Replicas of the micro-units were screwed to 60 transfer impressions on...