Auditorium is a large-capacity room that is suitable for various activities. Due to the function itself, the auditorium needs a great audial quality so it can fulfill the user needs and ensure that the noises will not interrupt the event that was held inside the auditorium. Noise is an unwanted sound that will make the receiver feel uncomfortable or even disturbed when carrying out their activities, and it is one of the important factors to consider when designing a building or facility with the aim that the users of the building or facility can use it comfortably in accordance with the purpose of its creation. The main purpose of this research is to determine that the audial quality in the Auditorium room of the Faculty of Mathematics and Science Educations at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in Bandung has met the standard level of comfort according to the standard from KEP-48/MENLH/11/1996. The result from this research is the auditorium has a good result of noise level and is already in line with the standard level. Research using the method of measuring the decibel of the noise source with Decibel X, then analyzed the results with to get the noise level that has been received by the receiver and using IBANA-Calc software to analyze the final noise level.