AGRADECIMENTOSÀ Deus, pela saúde e proteção durante todos os momentos de minha vida, dandome força e sabedoria, demonstrando que as dificuldades são grandes oportunidades para uma evolução pessoal. À Profa. Dra. Maria da Graça Naclério-Homem, que me recebeu de braços abertos, permitindo resgatar um sonho que se encontrava um pouco distante. Neste momento especial, com certeza, me sinto mais forte e mais maduro para enfrentar as novas dificuldades que certamente virão pela frente. Obrigado pela amizade, pelas oportunidades e por todo o conhecimento adquirido. A senhora é um grande exemplo e serei sempre grato a você professora! Aos demais professores membros da banca de qualificação e de defesa, Profa. Dra. To assess the analgesic efficacy of regular dosage of codeine phosphate 30mg association with paracetamol 500mg after extraction of impacted lower third molars.We performed a bilateral clinical study analyzing a sample of 47 patients. All patients received a 30mg codeine phosphate dosage in combination with paracetamol 500mg after extraction (test group). For the contralateral tooth extraction, we had another bottle available containing identical capsules, with a 500mg paracetamol dosage (control group). 100% of the test group patients did not need to use rescue medication and did not consume additional doses of medication after surgeries. In the control group, 44.7% reported the use of rescue medication. Total consumption of pills in the test group was on average lower than the contralateral side. 80.8% of patients reported greater comfort, as the criterion of pain in the side that was used 30mg codeine phosphate dosage associated with paracetamol 500mg. The adverse effects were more present in the test group, with sleepiness being more common (34%) and dizziness (31.9%), without any patient medication abandonment. We conclude that the 30mg codeine phosphate dosage associated with paracetamol 500mg showed favorable results in controlling pain associated with a low incidence of side effects.