Today, the area of open sands in Kalmykia is 126.2 thousand hectares according to the data of deciphering satellite images. Desertification creates many socioeconomic and demographic problems not only in the areas of desertification, but also on adjacent lands. The ecological ties of desert and semi-desert territories are very fragile, and therefore it is so important to expand the area of the forest fund, fix moving sands, create protective forest stands on degraded pastures. All this will make it possible to produce competitive agricultural products, based on natural fodder land, which means that it will solve food and environmental safety issues in a short time. The arrangement of ordinary protection from reeds prevents the seedlings from entering the sand after planting and promotes the accumulation and preservation of moisture in the root habitat for the period of the beginning of vegetation and rooting. All this ultimately led to an increase in the survival rate of the juzgun and its better development.