In examining assessment methods used for evaluating training, there have so far been no studies reporting any diŠerences between the visual analogue scale (VAS) evaluation method, based on a rating scale, and evaluation methods based on an ordinal scale. Here we report theˆndings of an examination into diŠerences and discrepancies between the results of the VAS method and a 5-point evaluation. Following the end of their training period, seven trainees carried out a self-evaluation regarding their level of understanding and performance using the 5-point evaluation and VAS methods. We then compared the average results of both assessment methods and examined the correlation between the two sets ofˆgures. We found no diŠerences between the 5-point evaluation method and VAS method in evaluating training for dispensing drugs, administering injections, pharmacy preparation, and medication management and instruction. There was also a signiˆcant correlation between average values for the 5-point evaluation and VAS method in evaluating training for dispensing drugs, administering injections, pharmacy preparation, and medication management and instruction. This led us to the conclusion that both the 5-point evaluation method and VAS method give similar results and outcomes in assessing the results of practical training.