2 Slovak University of agriculture in nitra TAKÁČ, J. -ŠIŠKA, B. -PÍŠ, V.: evaluation of adaptive measures to reduce climate change impact on soil organic carbon stock in Žitný ostrov region. Agriculture (Poľnohospodárstvo), vol. 57, 2011, no. 3, pp. 85-95. RNDr. Jozef Takáč, PhD., RNDr. Vladimír Píš, PhD., Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute, 827 13 Bratislava, Gagarinova 10, Slovak Republic. e-mail: j.takac@vupop.sk doc. RNDr. Bernard Šiška, CSc., Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, faculty of european Studies and Regional Development, 949 76 Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, Slovak Republic Key words: soil organic carbon, climate change, adaptive measures, crop residuals, irrigation Climate change impacts on soil organic carbon sequestration rate were simulated by agroecological model DAISY. Daily meteorological data for the Danubian Lowland up to 2100 were generated according to emission scenarios SReS A2 and B1 using general circulation model CGCM3.1. effect of gradual increase of CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere was taken into account. Various crop rotations as well as various management practices including irrigation and crop residuals incorporation were considered in three variants: i/ rainfed, residuals not incorporated, ii/ irrigated, residuals not incorporated, iii/ summer crops irrigated and residuals incorporated. Modelling outputs confirm that conventional rainfed agro-technical practices without incorporation of crop residues resulted to significant loss of soil organic carbon in soil profile towards more distanced time slices. The irrigation and the incorporation of crop residuals including stems and leaves can reduce soil organic carbon losses. If it is combined with proper crop rotation the soil organic carbon stock in soil profile can even increase.
85Agriculture (Poľnohospodárstvo), 57, 2011 (3): 85−95