Assessing Medical Information Needs Via an Internet-Based Survey Genentcch's Medid Communications Dcpmtment pmides vabal and written rcsposlses to udicited requests fa mcdicrJ infornntion nconducted with the fonawing abjdivts: to asn u d s during the ptqpproval period, to evaZuate customer satisfaction during a time of increased departmental w d o a d , to erpim rdevance and us@ncss of infmdon provided, and to identi& difau~ct?s in informational needsbetweencustomerscgmtnts. Gencntach's Medical C m n h h , in cdlafnmztion with mmkcting identijieda profcssional lcscmdl grarp to uudnate the customer suwqs. llhe lntmet-based sweys werr devdoped and implrcmcnted by the jnvfmbnaf rcscarcJI gmup. me suwqs wae c o n d l l c t c d forlm'igpmduct or indicution appmvals. Ovaaa,themajaityofnspondentswacsati$ed with the service and inforneotion meived, l a t i n g t O~p r o m c C t s . I k o s u r v G y s m scss h d t h cmc pfe!ssid infanaatiosral and reported the infrnmation was relevant to dimad pnactice. Additionally, a majority indicated the infmnation would be discussed with. cate. The Dzapf fresuent reasons for contacting the Medical cOnrmunicat,im Department fdlowing a new praluct approval were for safety information, use with other promtcts, administmtion questions, and patient monitoring quations. f i e mcwtjivqumt reasons for contacting Medid Ctmmtunicatiopls during a label ertension inchded quatiom on use in combination with OQhrrpuducts, safety infonnation, dosing, and identibng appnpiate candidates for the newuse. Using an lntemet-brased survey was an gettive tod Genentcch custmets o v d l weresatisfiad with the infonnation receivdfrom the Medi d cOmmtozMations Depcatment. In addition, ali customer segments nqmrted that the information assisted in thmpmtic de.cision making.