A decommissioned p-type, co-axial HPGe detector has been recently brought
back to operational mode in an effort to build a γ-ray spectroscopy
station at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens dedicated for
environmental radioactivity studies. The detector was fully characterized
prior to and during its operation to obtain detailed information on its
linear response, efficiency and energy resolution. The geometrical features
of the HPGe crystal were studied with a combination of X-ray CT,
γ-ray tomography and detailed simulations with both MCNP5 and Geant4.
A 3D reconstruction of the crystal was attempted using the recorded data to
examine its overall placement and alignment inside the enclosure. Due to the
prolonged inactivity, the crystal integrity and the dead layer expected to
develop over the years were additionally studied. The results show that after
about three decades of inactivity, the active volume of the crystal has been
reduced significantly, an effect having an impact on its quality features
(resolution, efficiency). Overall, the detector was found to perform
substantially well.