We report on magnetotransport properties of a MgZnO/ZnO heterostructure subjected to weak direct currents. We find that in the regime of overlapping Landau levels, the differential resistivity acquires a quantum correction proportional to both the square of the current and the Dingle factor. The analysis shows that the correction to the differential resistivity is dominated by a current-induced modification of the electron distribution function and allows us to access both quantum and inelastic scattering rates.Nonlinear magnetotransport in high Landau levels of twodimensional electron systems (2DESs) offers a unique approach to obtain information on both electron-impurity and electron-electron scattering. For example, at high direct currents the differential resistance exhibits Hall field-induced resistance oscillations (HIRO) [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] which originate from electron (or hole [10]) backscattering off impurities leading to transitions between Landau levels. Since such transitions are accompanied by a displacement of the electron guiding center by a cyclotron diameter 2R c , applied current density j translates to an energy scale eρ H j(2R c ), where ρ H is the Hall resistivity. HIRO then result from the commensurability between this energy and the inter-Landau level spacing ω c , where ω c is the cyclotron frequency of a charge carrier. In overlapping Landau levels, the corresponding correction to the differential resistance r is given by [12] where ǫ j = eρ H j(2R c )/ ω c , R 0 is the low-temperature, linear-response resistance at zero magnetic field (B = 0), τ is the disorder-limited transport scattering time, τ π is the backscattering time, λ = exp(−π/ω c τ q ) is the Dingle factor, and τ q is the quantum lifetime. The disorder in a 2DES can often be conveniently separated into a short-range (e.g., background impurities) and a longrange (e.g., remote ionized donors) component, characterized by "sharp" and "smooth" scattering rates (τ −1 sh and τ −1 sm ), respectively. When τ ≫ τ q , as in a conventional high-mobility modulation-doped 2DES, τ sh ≈ τ π and τ sm ≈ τ q . Therefore, the analysis of the HIRO amplitude using Eq. (1) can yield information on both sharp and smooth disorder components in a 2DES under study.In the regime of weak electric fields, the differential resistance acquires a negative quantum correction which scales with j 2 , as has been observed in GaAs heterostructures [3,4,6,8,[13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. In contrast to Eq. (1), this current-induced correction originates both from the low ǫ j counterpart of Eq. (1) [12] (displacement mechanism) and from the oscillatory modification of the energy distribution function (inelastic mechanism) [20]. More specifically, in overlapping Landau levels, δr can be written as [12] whereHere, τ −1 ⋆ entering the first (displacement) term can be expressed as τ −1, where τ −1 n represents n-th angular harmonic of the rate of scattering on angle θ, τ −1. This displacement term can never exceed 9/16 (sharp-disorder limit). In contra...