In 1991, Peres and Wootters wrote a seminal paper on the nonlocal processing of quantum information [Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1119(1991]. We return to their classic problem and solve it in various contexts. Specifically, for discriminating the "double trine" ensemble with minimum error, we prove that global operations are more powerful than local operations with classical communication (LOCC). Even stronger, there exists a finite gap between the optimal LOCC probability and that obtainable by separable operations (SEP). Additionally we prove that a two-way, adaptive LOCC strategy can always beat a one-way protocol. Our results demonstrate "nonlocality without entanglement" in two-qubit pure states. One physical restriction that naturally emerges in quantum communication scenarios is nonlocality. Here, two or more parties share some multipart quantum system, but their subsystems remain localized with no "global" quantum interactions occurring between them. Instead, the system is manipulated through local quantum operations and classical communication (LOCC) performed by the parties.Peres and Wootters were the first to introduce the LOCC paradigm and study it as a restricted class of operations in their seminal work [1]. To gain insight into how the LOCC restriction affects information processing, they considered a seemingly simple problem. Suppose that Alice and Bob each possess a qubit, and with equal probability, their joint system is prepared in one of the states belonging to the set {|D i = |s i ⊗ |s i } 2 i=0 , where |s i = U i |0 and U = exp(− iπ 3 σ y ). This highly symmetric ensemble is known as the "double trine," and we note that lying orthogonal to all three states is the singlet | − = √ 1/2(|01 − |10 ). Alice and Bob's goal is to identify which double trine element was prepared only by performing LOCC. Like any quantum operation used for state identification, Alice and Bob's collective action can be described by some positiveoperator valued measure (POVM). While the nonorthogonality of the states prohibits the duo from perfectly identifying their state, there are various ways to measure how well they can do. Peres and Wootters chose the notoriously difficult measure of accessible information [2], but their paper raises the following two general conjectures concerning the double trine ensemble, which can apply to any measure of distinguishability: (C1) LOCC is strictly suboptimal compared to global operations. (C2) The optimal LOCC protocol involves two-way communication and adaptive measurements.The set of global POVMs will be denoted by GLOBAL, and C1 can be symbolized by GLOBAL > LOCC. A two-way LOCC protocol with adaptive measurement refers to at least three rounds of measurement, Alice → Bob → Alice, with the choice of measurement in each round depending on the * †