HOFFSTEDT, JOHAN, MANABU SHIMIZU, SVANTE SJOSTEDT AND FREDRIK LONNQVIST. Determination of B3-adrenoceptor mediated lipolysis in human fat cells. Obes Res. 1995;3:447-457. The existence and relative importance of Bradrenoceptors in man is still controversial. The aim of the present study was 1) to find further evidence for the existence of functional B3-adrenoceptors in human fat, and 2) to investigate factors that may influence this 03-adrenoceptor function. Fifty individuals were examined. Lipolysis mediated by the selective Il3-adrenoceptor agonist CGP 12177 in omental fat cells correlated with the response in subcutaneous fat cells. However, lipolysis was more pronounced in omental as compared to subcutaneous adipocytes, the intrinsic activity for CGP 12177 was 41% and 33%, respectively, while dobutamine, terbutaline and norepinephrine were full agonists. Both the lipolytic response and the sensitivity to CGP 12177 correlated with the effects of norepinephrine in the omental fat cells (r2= 0.68 and 0.50, respectively, p=O.OOOl). The D3-adrenoceptor mediated lipolytic response did also correlate with the responses induced by l31-and B2-agonists and by postreceptor acting agents. The antagonistic properties (PA$ of the D-adrenoceptor subtypes were also investigated. The pA2 for the selective " 1 -and 02-adrenoceptor antagonists versus CGP 12177-induced lipolysis were 2 to 3 log units lower than those for the Ill-antagonist versus dobutamine or for the Il2-antagonist versus terbutaline. Furthermore, bupranolol had a significantly better antagonistic effect (pA2 7.17, p