Keywords: Carboxypeptidase Y, chemical modification, a m i n o acid sequenceChemical modification studies have previously indicated that the Sj binding site of carboxypeptidase Y contains a cysteinyl residue and that the S] binding site contains a methionyl residue (Carlsberg Res. Commun. 48, 9-19 (1983); 49, 535-554 (1984); 49, 627-638 (1984)). These studies also indicated that the active site contained an additional methionyl residue situated in an as yet unidentified position. In the present paper the positions of these amino acid residues has been identified in the amino acid sequence which has been revised on the basis of the nucleotide sequence (T. STEVENS, personal communications). The cysteinyl residue was identified as Cys-341 after alkylation with J4C-iodoacetic acid followed by separation of the peptides produced by cyanogen bromide cleavage and Edman degradation of the radioactive peptide. The methionyl residue situated in the S; binding site was identified as Met-398 after alkylation with ~4C-iodoacetamide, separation of the peptides produced by cyanogen bromide cleavage and thermal cleavage of the peptide containing the radioactivity. This assignment was confirmed by the failure of cyanogen bromide to cleave at the position ofcarboxypeptidase Y in which this particular methionyl residue had been alkylated or oxidized. Using the same method the other methionyl residue in the active site was identified as Met-313.