“…1a) comprise some of the largest outflow channels on Mars, and their excavation has been attributed to erosion by catastrophic floods (Baker, 1982(Baker, , 2009a(Baker, , 2009bKomatsu and Baker, 1997;Rodriguez et al, 2014), glaciers (Lucchitta, 1982(Lucchitta, , 2001Pacifici et al, 2009;Rodriguez et al, 2014), CO 2 -charged debris flows (Hoffman, 2000), H 2 O-charged debris flows (Nummedal and Prior, 1981;Tanaka, 1999;Rodriguez et al, 2006a), and/or lava flows (Schonfeld, 1976;Leverington, 2011;Hopper and Leverington, 2014). The analyses of Viking Orbiter era geochronologies led to a consensus that the Late Hesperian (3.61-3.37 Ga, (Werner and Tanaka 2011;Michael 2013)) comprised a period characterized by major hydrologic resurfacing on Mars, which resulted in the formation of the planet's major outflow channel systems (Scott and Tanaka, 1986;Rotto and Tanaka, 1995;Tanaka, 1997).…”