In order to elucidate the origin of the temperature (T ) dependence of spin-dependent tunneling conductance (G) of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs), we experimentally investigated the T dependence of G for the parallel and antiparallel magnetization alignments, G P and G AP , of high-quality Co 2 MnSi (CMS)/MgO/CMS MTJs having systematically varied spin polarizations (P ) at 4.2 K by varying the Mn composition α in Co 2 Mn α Si electrodes that exhibited giant tunneling magnetoresistance ratios. Results showed that G P normalized by its value at 4.2 K exhibited a notable, nonmonotonic T dependence although its variation with T was significantly smaller than that of G AP normalized by its value at 4.2 K, indicating that an analysis of the experimental G P (T ) is critical to revealing the origin of the T dependence of G. By analyzing the experimental G P (T ), we clarified that both spin-flip inelastic tunneling via a thermally excited magnon and spin-conserving elastic tunneling in which P decays with increasing T play key roles. The experimental G AP (T ), including its stronger T dependence for higher P at 4.2 K, was also consistently explained with this model. Our findings provide a unified picture for understanding the origin of the T dependence of G of MTJs with a wide range of P , including MTJs with high P close to a half-metallic value.