The inhibitory effects of CR-1409, a new glutaramic acid derivative developed as a cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor antagonist, on caerulein-stimulated amylase secretion and on intracellular Cat + ([Ca2 +];) mobilization were studied in isolated rat pancreatic acini. Pancreatic acini were prepared by collagenase digestion method and loaded with 1,uM fura-2/AM for measurement of the intracellular free Cat + concentration. Amylase release was examined by a perifusion method. Stimulation with 10 1 ° M caerulein, 10 -5 M carbachol, or 10 -8 M gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) led to biphasic amylase release and increase in [Ca2+];. CR-1409 at 1 and 5 ,uM inhibited, by 50 and 84%, respectively, the amylase secretion and increase in [Ca2 +]; induced by 10 -10M caerulein, and 25µM CR-1409 completely inhibited both amylase secretion and increase in [Ca2+]i induced by caerulein. However, 25,uM CR-1409 did not inhibit unstimulated secretion of amylase or the secretions induced by carbachol and GRP, which are also mediated by changes in intracellular Ca2 + . We conclude that CR-1409 acts as a specific inhibitor of the CCK receptor in the pancreas, and is useful in studies on the involvement of the release and action of CCK in vitro.