This paper is a review of what is known about the turnover of melanin in iris, choroid, and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) of the adult vertebrate eye. Differences in size and structure of choroideal and retinal pigment epithelial melanin granules are shown by electron micrographs. The classical stages of melanin synthesis, including the premelanosome, are shown in the RPE of adult hamsters that had been exposed to intense light. Degradation or synthesis of melanin also seem to occur in the melanocytes of the choroid in these animals.It is postulated that all three pigmented eye tissues (iris, RPE, and choroid) of adult vertebrates form melanin granules in vivo. However, nothing is known about the amount of this turnover.Key words: Melanosome, Imosome, Phagosome, rnsinase, Peroxidase, Radical
INTRODUCTIONIn the eyes of vertebrates two types of pigment cells belonging to different cell lines are present. The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) originates from the outer neuroectodermal sheath of the eyecup, whereas the melanocytes of the uvea (choroid and iris) immigrate from the neural crest (Heiman, 1972; Ozanics et al., 1978; reviewed by 'Ibrczynski 1982).While it is generally accepted that the key enzyme for mammalian meh-nesis is tymsinase (Lerner et al., 1950; K6rner and F'awelek, 1982), the origin of the matrix component of melanogenesis in the RPE, the premelanosome, has been subject to controversial views. At present it is generally believed that melanogenesis in RPE and choroid follows a common pathway (Feeney et al., 1965;Hearing et al., 1973; Hu and Mah, 1983; Sarna 1992). Premelanosomes should be derived either from the rough (Stanka, 1971; Stanka et al., 1981) or, smooth (Mishima et al., 1978) endoplasmic reticulum or from polysomes (Moyer, 1961). Other workers were not able to determine the origin of mekinoflaments in the eyes of black and beige mice (Lutzner and Lowrie, 1972). Alternatively, autophagic vacuoles (Novikoff et al., 1979) or phagosomes (Schraermeyer, 1992b) were taken into consideration as matrix components for melanin granule formation in the RPE. While the turnOver of melanin is high in the skin (Ortonne, 19901, the amount of melanin turnover in the eyes of adult vertebrates is completely unknown, although the melanin in the eyes is exposed to an environment that generates H202 (see Bennan, 1979) and radicals (Noell, 1980), which can inteF act with melanin.As far as data were available, the attempt is made in the present study to focus on five points indicating turnover of melanin in the three pigmented eye tissues. bover of melanin may be indicated by: (1) the demonstration of the classical morphological stages of melanogenesis like premelanosomes or early stage melanosomes, (2) the demonstration of active tyrosinase or other melanogenic enzymes, (3) the degradation of melanin granules by macrophages or lysosomes, (4) the repigmentation after injury or age related loss of melanin, or (5) incorporation of Dopa into melanin granules.