The circular dichroism of hypothetical, water-filled, spherical shells, 75-3500 nm in radius, with walls 7.5 nm thick, composed of poly(L-lysine) in various conformational proportions, and suspended in water, were computed from the known optical properties of this polypeptide by classical general light-scattering theory (Mie theory). Comparison One approach to the study of membrane-protein architecture involves the use of spectroscopic methods. However, no single technique can derive unambiguous data from large molecules or molecular aggregates. This is particularly true for optical activity measurements, which have found wide application in attempts to extract conformational information from soluble and membrane proteins, with synthetic polypeptides as reference standards. Indeed comparison of the circular dichroism (CD) and optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) of most proteins with those characterizing synthetic homopolypeptides with a-helical, (3-, and unordered structures, is unlikely to yield satisfactory conformation analyses of the proteins. The reasons are as follows:(a) 'Many proteins (1-4), including membrane components (5-8), contain significant and sometimes functionally variable proportions of (-conformation; one must therefore analyze unknown substances in terms of three conformations. This is indeed difficult, even with a single synthetic polypeptide as standard, since seven optically active chromophores are concerned: these are the n-7r* transitions of the three conformations, the 7r-7r* transitions of the "unordered" and (3-structures, the I -polarized helical 7r-r* transition and the Il-polarized 7r-r* transition. Additional complications arise from band overlap and uncertainty whether the bands have the frequencies, intensities, widths, and shapes found in the usual polypeptide models.(b) a-Helical optical activity increases with the number of consecutive helically arrayed residues up to about 20 (9-11) and decreases with deviation from ideal a-helicity; but x-ray analyses of many globular proteins show that there are usually fewer than 20 residues per helical segment (1)(2)(3)12) and that distortions are common.(c) Even in synthetic polypeptides the optical activity of a-helices is slightly (13) (e) X-ray crystallographic (12) and probe experiments (20) suggest that many of the peptide linkages of globular proteins lie in an apolar, highly polarizable environment, unlike those of reference polypeptides in water solution. This environment mav reduce rotational strengths and shift the frequencies of the optically active bands (21).(f) Conformations other than the conventional righthanded a-helical, f3-, and "unoidered" structures must be considered. Thus, although the left-handed a-helix is intrinsically less stable than the right-handed helix, other factors may sometimes favor it (22, 23). Thus polyv (-benzyl--aspartate) forms a right-handed a-helix wheii spread at air: water interfaces, but exists either as unordered structures or left-handed helices in solution (23). These finding...