The mRNA levels of hyal-1, hyal-2, LUCA3 and PH20, the 4 hyaluronidases with demonstrated endoglucosaminidase activity, were extensively profiled in normal and tumor tissues and cell lines, using dot blot analysis and quantitative PCR. In normal tissues, hyal-1, hyal-2 and LUCA3 all showed unique patterns of mRNA expression, but were generally of widespread distribution, whereas PH20 mRNA was restricted to testes. In a small set of breast tumor samples, no elevations in hyal-1, hyal-2 or LUCA3 mRNA were seen. Hyaluronidase activity measured by a novel assay or zymography was also not elevated in sera from a number of breast cancer patients, compared to sera from normal volunteers. In ex vivo xenograft tumor cell lines, however, hyal-1 or hyal-2 mRNA levels were frequently elevated, whereas LUCA3 was only infrequently elevated and PH20 not at all. The hyaluronidases are a family of degradative endoglucosaminidase enzymes 1 whose substrate, hyaluronic acid (HA), is a major constituent of the extracellular matrix (ECM). 2 Cellular interactions with the underlying ECM are crucial in development, 3 for the maintenance of normal cellular functions and in response to injury and infection. In situations where malignant cell growth and subsequent metastasis occur, the degradation of the ECM is required. HA, a large polysaccharide of approximately ten thousand disaccharide repeats, is known to inhibit cell differentiation, promote proliferation, regulate cell motility and HA synthesis occurs before mitosis. 1 Increased serum or tissue associated levels of HA have been correlated with tumor progression 2 and metastatic behavior. 4 In some types of cancer such as bladder, breast and colorectal, the serum levels of HA have been found to be of prognostic value, 5-8 although conflicting results have been obtained from patients with breast cancer. 9 The hyaluronidases that degrade HA have also been implicated in tumor progression and metastasis, as well as angiogenesis. 10 Hyaluronidase-1 (hyal-1) was originally isolated from human plasma, has a pH optimum of 3.8 and cleaves HA to small (Ͻ20 kDa) MW fragments. 11 Hyaluronidase-2 (hyal-2) is also an acidactive enzyme that digests HA polymers down to 20 kDa sizes. 12 Hyal-2 has been shown to be located in lysosomes 12 but is also reported to be a GPI-anchored cell surface protein. 13 PH20 was identified as a GPI linked sperm acrosomal enzyme with a neutral pH optimum and cleaves HA to smaller (Ͻ20 kDa) MW fragments. 1 More recently, the hyaluronidase LUCA3 (Barry et al., in preparation) and meningioma expressed antigen 5 (MGEA5, chromosome 10) have also been shown to have activity at neutral pH. 14 Hyal-4 and the pseudogene Hyal-P1, both of which co-localize to chromosome 7q31.3 with PH20, 15 have not yet been demonstrated to possess enzymatic activities.Elevated mRNA levels or increased hyaluronidase enzymatic activity have been associated with invasion and metastasis for ovarian and endometrial cancers, 16 progression of prostate cancer, 17 bladder cancer, 18 colorectal carcino...