Purpose: To explore the feasibility of using the multi-method and mixed-method in research studies by reviewing and comparing both methods.
Design / Method / Approach: Using the literature, historical background on mixed-methods and multiple-methods design principles are collected and applied in this paper in a systematic review format.
Findings: The major finding from this research is that incorporating quantitative and qualitative data in the form of a mixed or multi-method study has the potential to dramatically increase the accuracy and quality of any research's analysis and conclusions.
Theoretical Implications: The study contributes to the theoretical understanding of how mixed and multi-method studies have distinct and distinguishable characteristics; it encourages researchers to conduct investigations appropriately to accomplish their research goals. The authors of this article introduce different designs (e.g., embedded design, explanatory design) which combine a mixed-method approach with a multi-method one.
Practical Implications: This study concludes that both mixed methods and multi methods are reliable and have unique characteristics that increase the validity (i.e., external validity, generalizability) and reliability of study findings.
Originality / Value: The authors of this paper present a taxonomy how to combine mixed methods with multi methods.
Research Limitations / Future Research: Research should be directed at defining the appropriate design for a multi-method approach to help researchers conduct multi method studies scientifically.
Paper Type: Conceptual.