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ABSTRACTThe purpose of this investigation was to improve the understanding of the way that sound in water interacts with various types of targets in situations similar to those encountered in underwater acoustics. The emphasis was on situations relevant to the use of sonar systems in shallow water. Laboratory methods were developed and tested for displaying the scattering of sound, including partially-exposed targets. Some of the work concerned bistatic scattering. Much of the research was in the intermediate frequency range where geometrically motivated ray based methods were helpful even when elastic responses were significant. Signal processing methods used included synthetic aperture sonar and linescan supersonic acoustic holography. Some of the research concerns the scattering by beams of sound including vortex beams. I. Summary: The purpose of this investigation was to improve the understanding of the way that sound in water interacts with various types of targets in situations similar to those encountered in underwater acoustics. The emphasis was on situations relevant to the use of sonar systems in shallow water. Laboratory methods were developed and tested for displaying the scattering of sound, including partially-exposed targets. Some of the work concerned bistatic scattering. Much of the research was in the intermediate frequency range where geometrically motivated ray based methods were helpful even when elastic responses were significant. Signal processing methods used included synthetic aperture sonar and line-scan supersonic acoustic holography. Some of the research concerns the scattering by beams of sound including vortex beams.
II. Introduction and Organization of this Report:The majority of resources were used to support the activities of graduate students. The simplest way of summarizing the research was to compile in sequence edited versions of the Annual Reports submitted to ONR for FFY 2010FFY , 2011FFY , 2012FFY , 2013FFY , and 2014. (Note, however, because of the depletion of grant funds the work in the report covering FFY 2014 was supported significantly by a different ONR grant.) In this Final Report these Annual Reports are followed by the abstracts of two Ph.D. dissertations primarily funded by this grant. III. Refereed Publications Subsequent to FFY 2014 report: 1. L. Zhang and P. L. Marston, "Acoustic rad...