Phylogeny-based analysis of chitinase and 16S rRNA genes from metagenomic data suggests that salinity is a major driver for the distribution of both chitinolytic and total bacterial communities in aquatic systems. Additionally, more acidic chitinase proteins were observed with increasing salinity. Congruent habitat separation was further observed for both genes according to latitude and proximity to the coastline. However, comparison of chitinase and 16S rRNA genes extracted from different geographic locations showed little congruence in distribution. There was no indication that dispersal limited the global distribution of either gene.In recent years, progress has been made in elucidating factors that underlie the biogeography of bacterial community assemblages (5,13,23,25). However, function cannot easily be inferred from such studies, since specific functional guilds may be present in low abundances and function is difficult to predict from taxonomic affiliations. To target and analyze the diversity of functional groups, biogeographical studies of protein coding genes is an attractive alternative to studies based on taxonomy markers (e.g., see references 10, 13, 16, 28, and 35). By using a phylogeny-based approach to assess the biogeography of functional guilds, information regarding underlying ecological and evolutionary community assembly processes can be accessed (16).Marine chitinolytic communities play key roles in global nitrogen and carbon cycles. Chitinases are responsible for the hydrolysis of chitin, which is one of the most abundant biopolymers on earth. It does not accumulate over time and therefore likely has high turnover rates (12,19). Bacterial degradation of chitin usually involves an initial extracellular hydrolysis of the (134)--linkage, catalyzed by excreted glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 18 chitinases, which are phylogenetically subdivided into groups A, B, and C. Lateral gene transfer has been discussed as a reason for their widespread but phylogenetically incoherent distribution among bacterial phyla (17). This implies that populations carrying this function may vary greatly in other ecological traits. Environmental factors could consequently act directly on an organism's ability to degrade chitin, independently of the taxonomic background of the organism carrying this trait.In this study, we used metagenomic data provided by the Global Ocean Sampling expedition (GOS) (32, 33) to test if specific environmental conditions in aquatic habitats shape the chitinase gene assemblages or if limitations in dispersal are important for the distribution of chitinolytic communities. The phylogeography of chitinase genes was also compared to that of the 16S rRNA gene as a universal taxonomic marker. Divergent distribution patterns between the two genes would indicate if there are environmental factors or distribution mechanisms that are specifically relevant for chitinolytic microorganisms. The respective communities were compared among habitats defined by either salinity, latitude, proximity to th...