Abstract. Tracking the sources of particulate organic matter (POM) exported from catchments is important to understand the 8 transfer of energy from soils to oceans. The suitability of investigating the molecular composition of POM by thermally 9 assisted hydrolysis and methylation using tetramethylammonium hydroxide directly coupled to gas chromatography and 10 mass spectrometry is presented. The results of this molecular fingerprint approach were compared with previously published
15specifically during events characterized by high rainfall amounts. At the upstream location, the source of POM seems to be
16controlled by the maximum and median hourly rainfall intensity. An added-value of this method is to directly investigate 17 chemical biomarkers and to mine their distributions in term of biogeochemical functioning of an ecosystem. In this 18 catchement, the distribution of plant-derived biomarkers characterizing lignin, cutin, and suberin inputs were similar in SBed
19and litter, while the proportion of microbial markers was 4 times higher in SBed than in litter. These results indicate that
20SBed OM was largely from plant litter that has been processed by the aquatic microbial community.
21Biogeosciences Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2017-325 Manuscript under review for journal Biogeosciences Discussion started: 5 September 2017 c Author(s) 2017. CC BY 4.0 License.
1 Introduction
22Particulate organic matter (POM) plays key-roles in aquatic ecosystems, controlling the transfer and the bioavailability of 23 energy, nutrients and micropollutants. The flux of POM from soils to oceans has been estimated at 0.2 GtC per year (Ludwig 24 et al., 1996) with 80 % coming from biospheric inputs and the complement from petrogenic inputs (Galy et al., 2015).
25Assuming that the energy provided by natural organic matter is equivalent of the energy provided by the combustion of 26 wood, this flux of POM corresponds to an energy of 2.8 EJ, that is to say less than 2 days of the global energy consumption 27 of 2015 (yearbook.enerdata.net). This export mainly occurs during storm events, those hot moments being responsible for up 28 to 80% of annual particulate organic carbon (POC) export depending on the investigated catchment (Dhillon and Inamdar, 29 2013; Jeong et al., 2012; Jung et al., 2012; Oeurng et al., 2011).
30Among these hot moments, extreme events, defined as storm flow exceeded less than 10 % of the time (IPCC, 2001), seem
31to play a dominant role. In two contrasted catchments, a mountainous one in South-Korea and a lowland one in the Eastern
32United States of America (USA), the specific POC flux (flux per unit area of the catchment) has been shown to be non 33 linearly related to total rainfall with a threshold value beyond which the slope increased sharply (Dhillon and Inamdar, 2013; 34 Jung et al., 2014). The threshold value (approx. 70 mm in the American catchment and approx. 120 mm in the South-Korean 35 catchment) and the magnitude of this increase differed between both catchments and ar...