As a content-based research platform, the article considers the main vectors and priority sectoral and structural directions for the formation of sustainable trends in the development of territories based on digital transformation. Theses: The existing research and development that defines and reveals the parameters of the formation, functioning and development of regional socio-economic systems (RSES) are characterized by a multifaceted essential reading, which determines the timeliness and necessity of the presented research in order to follow the priorities of the concepts of sustainability and digitalization. Results: in the presented work, an attempt is made to propose its own formulation of the category "vector of development of the territorial socio-economic system", factors that significantly affect the stability of the regional economic system are studied, and specific directions are proposed that allow achieving positive economic dynamics in the development of territories. The relevance of the presented scientific development is confirmed by the fact that in conditions of ensuring the sustainability of territorial development, it is necessary to identify the sectoral drivers that serve as the "locomotive" of the development of the regional economic system, to study the specifics of the processes that took place and are taking place in them, their negative and positive characteristics, as well as to identify "weak" industries with a number of imperfections that need further research both theoretical scientists and practitioners represented by authorities at the macro and meso levels. The presented article allows a deeper and more detailed understanding of the vectors of development of the regional economic system of the regions of the South of the Russian Federation. By assessing and monitoring the ongoing transformation processes, the degree of impact of digitalization changes on macro and meso-indicators and parameters of the external and internal environment, the author makes a modest contribution to the scientific discourse on sustainable regional development. In-depth scientific research, combined with official statistical data and appropriate digital support, determine the importance of studying the main vectors and priority sectoral and structural directions for the formation of sustainable trends in the development of territories based on digital transformation.