Defect characterizes the depth of factorization of terms in differential (cyclotomic) expansions of knot polynomials, i.e. of the non-perturbative Wilson averages in the Chern-Simons theory. We prove the conjecture that the defect can be alternatively described as the degree in q ±2 of the fundamental Alexander polynomial, which formally corresponds to the case of no colors. We also pose a question if these Alexander polynomials can be arbitrary integer polynomials of a given degree. A first attempt to answer the latter question is a preliminary analysis of antiparallel descendants of the 2-strand torus knots, which provide a nice set of examples for all values of the defect. The answer turns out to be positive in the case of defect zero knots, what can be observed already in the case of twist knots. This proved conjecture also allows us to provide a complete set of C-polynomials for the symmetrically colored Alexander polynomials for defect zero. In this case, we achieve a complete separation of representation and knot variables.