Abstract-In this paper, we discuss the approach to efficiently place antennas to cover users within a telecommunication network. The main goal is to lower the power and utilities cost while covering all of the users within the telecommunication network. Four heuristics are proposed and compared.
I. MOTIVATIONThe main objective for telecommunication networks are to provide end-to-end quality of service (QoS) and coverage to every client in the system. Antenna Arrangement Problem (AAP) is often considered an optimization problem in the predeployment stage of a telecommunication network. Such an assumption may be valid when we consider a static population density. However, increasing population, telecommunication advancement, and construction constraints, makes the mentioned assumption infeasible [1]. Therefore, we must approach the AAP as an evolving after deployment optimization problem. Moreover, current pre-deployment AAP solutions are adhoc, inadequate and inefficient. Furthermore, because AAP has close resemblance with the vertex cover problem [2], we suspect that AAP belongs to the class of NP problems. Therefore, to analyze the AAP is timely, and we must design efficient and effective heuristics that can identify good quality solutions.
II. RELATED WORKThe antenna arrangements in a telecommunication network has been studied extensively in the literature. Ref.[3] has utilized a model called Master-Slave model with Local Cultivation model (MSLC) to solve an antenna arrangement problem of mobile telecommunication. A new intruder detection method using Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) channel is discussed in [4]. Authors have utilized the time correlation function for channel matrix of MIMO channel as the cost function, and have clarified which antenna arrangement is suitable for MIMO sensor by using the measured propagation channels in an indoor environment. Ref. [5] have proposed a method to estimate the number of partial discharge sources in multipath environment using the multichannel blind deconvolution method called the super-exponential deflation method. Authors have also presented a performance comparison of antenna arrangements for estimating the number of partial discharge sources. In [6] authors have focused on the errors originated from the theoretical basis of the Standard Antenna Method. They have presented a fundamental formula for the calibration method with intensive discussion on the associated errors. They have also shown that the most important error sources are the non-uniformity of the field in which an antenna under calibration is immersed, and that the serious errors are caused by the close coupling between a transmit antenna and a standard tuned dipole antenna. The fundamental monopole antenna array arrangement for actual mobile terminals that satisfies the requirements for beam-steering, diversity and MIMO transmission is discussed in [7]. In [8] two branch vertical space diversity (V-SD) and horizontal space diversity (H-SD) antenna arrangements mounted on a metal pole to illumin...