A genuinely N-partite entangled state may display vanishing N-partite correlations measured for arbitrary local observables. In such states the genuine entanglement is noticeable solely in correlations between subsets of particles. A straightforward way to obtain such states for odd N is to design an 'anti-state' in which all correlations between an odd number of observers are exactly opposite. Evenly mixing a state with its anti-state then produces a mixed state with no N-partite correlations, with many of them genuinely multiparty entangled. Intriguingly, all known examples of 'entanglement without correlations' involve an odd number of particles. Here we further develop the idea of anti-states, thereby shedding light on the different properties of even and odd particle systems. We conjecture that there is no anti-state to any pure even-N-party entangled state making the simple construction scheme unfeasable. However, as we prove by construction, higher-rank examples of 'entanglement without correlations' for arbitrary even N indeed exist. These classes of states exhibit genuine entanglement and even violate an N-partite Bell inequality, clearly demonstrating the non-classical features of these states as well as showing their applicability for quantum communication complexity tasks. PACS numbers: 03.65.Ud Quantum entanglement is present in quantum states that cannot be obtained from uncorrelated states by local operations and classical communication [1, 2]. It turns out that for pure states the existence of entangle-ment is fully captured by N-partite correlation functions only: A pure state is entangled if and only if the sum of squared N-partite correlation functions exceeds certain bound [3-7]. One may then wonder if similar detection methods could exist for mixed states, i.e. whether appropriate processing of only N-partite correlation functions detects entanglement in all mixed states. The states we consider here demonstrate vividly that such a universal entanglement criterion does not exist. Despite vanishing N-partite correlation functions in all possible local measurements , these states can be even genuinely N-partite entangled. As a matter of fact the genuine N-partite en-tanglement is due to non-vanishing correlations between less than N particles, so-called lower order correlations. The first example of such a state was given in [8] and consists of an even mixture of two W states between an odd number of qubits. The two states have exactly opposite N-partite correlations such that they average out in the even mixture. More recently it was shown that any pure quantum state has an 'anti-state' where all correlation functions have opposite signs, but only between an odd number of observers [9, 10]. Then, the equal mixture of a pure state with odd number of qubits and its anti-state produces a mixed state with vanishing N-partite correlation functions. Many of such 'no-correlation' states are genuinely N-partite entangled and even an infinite family of such states with two continuous parameters could b...