This paper presents a new method with a set of desirable properties for multi-pitch estimation of piano recordings. We propose a framework based on a set of classifiers to analyze audio input and to identify piano notes present in a given audio signal. Our system’s classifiers are evolved using Cartesian genetic programming: we take advantage of Cartesian genetic programming to evolve a set of mathematical functions that act as independent classifiers for piano notes. Two significant improvements are described: the use of a harmonic mask for better fitness values and a data augmentation process for improving the training stage. The proposed approach achieves competitive results using F-measure metrics when compared to state-of-the-art algorithms. Then, we go beyond piano and show how it can be directly applied to other musical instruments, achieving even better results. Our system’s architecture is also described to show the feasibility of its parallelization and its implementation as a real-time system. Our methodology is also a white-box optimization approach that allows for clear analysis of the solutions found and for researchers to learn and test improvements based on the new findings.