Although time-dependent random media with short range correlations lead to (possibly biased) normal tracer diffusion, anomalous fluctuations occur away from the most probable direction. This was pointed out recently in 1D lattice random walks, where statistics related to the 1D KardarParisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class, i.e. the GUE Tracy Widom distribution, were shown to arise. Here we provide a simple picture for this correspondence, directly in the continuum as well as for lattice models, which allows to study arbitrary space dimension and to predict a variety of universal distributions. In d = 1 we predict and verify numerically the emergence of the GOE Tracy-Widom distribution for the fluctuations of the transition probability. In d = 3 we predict a phase transition from Gaussian fluctuations to 3D-KPZ type fluctuations as the bias is increased. We predict KPZ universal distributions for the arrival time of a first particle from a cloud diffusing in such media.Introduction Diffusion in random media arises in numerous fields, e.g. oil exploration in porous rocks [1], spreading of pollutants in inhomogeneous flows [2], diffusion of charge carriers in conductors [3], relaxation properties of glasses [4], defect motions in solids, econophysics, population dynamics [5,6]. Many works have studied time independent, i.e. static, random environments [7], in d = 1 [8] or in higher dimensions, with short-range (SR) [9,10] of long-range (LR) spatial correlations [11]. It was found that static disorder with SR correlations is generically irrrelevant above the upper-critical dimension While particles tyically diffuse normally as if the random environment had been averaged out, particles conditioned on arriving away from the Gaussian bulk of the distribution in the 'large large deviations regime' (for |x(t)| > uct) are superdiffusive with the roughness exponent of the directed polymer in the pinned phase ζ d > 1/2. In this regime, fluctuations of the logarithm of the transition probability are large (scale with t θ d with θ d = −1 + 2ζ d > 0) and identical to those of the height in the rough phase of the KPZ equation. The two phases are separated by an Edward-Wilkinson regime of fluctuations when x = uct + o(t). In d = 1, 2 uc = 0 while for d ≥ 3 there is a phase transition with uc = 0. The picture is drawn here in the absence of a systematic bias f . In the presence of a bias the bulk is around x ∼ f t and the transition occurs for x = ut with |( f + u)| = uc.d c = 2, leading to normal diffusion in d = 3, while LR disorder can lead to anomalous diffusion in any d.Another important class of random media are timedependent. These have been studied e.g. in the context of wave propagation [12], dispersion of particles in turbulent flows [2] (the famous Richardson's law [13]), and in the problem of the passive scalar [14]. The latter cases involve long range correlations in the flow, and lead to anomalous transport or multiscaling. The, a priori more benign, case of SR space-time correlations has received much attention rece...