We derive stationary measures for certain zero-temperature random polymer models, which we believe are new in the case of the zero-temperature limit of the beta random polymer (that has been called the river delta model). To do this, we apply techniques developed for understanding the stationary measures of the corresponding positive-temperature random polymer models (and some deterministic integrable systems). More specifically, the article starts with a survey of results for the four basic beta-gamma models (i.e. the inverse-gamma, gamma, inverse-beta and beta random polymers), highlighting how the maps underlying the systems in question can each be reduced to one of two basic bijections, and that through an 'independence preservation' property, these bijections characterise the associated stationary measures. We then derive similar descriptions for the corresponding zero-temperature maps, whereby each is written in terms of one of two bijections. One issue with this picture is that, unlike in the positivetemperature case, the change of variables required is degenerate in general, and so whilst the argument yields stationary solutions, it does not provide a complete characterisation of them. We also derive from our viewpoint various links between random polymer models, some of which recover known results, some of which are novel, and some of which lead to further questions.