Five single crystals of vacuum-dehydrated Ni 2+ -exchanged zeolite Y (Ni-Y) were variously prepared by the exchange of Na-Y or K-Y (Na 71 -or K 71 -Si 121 Al 71 O 384 , Si/Al ) 1.69) with Ni 2+ using flowing aqueous 0.05 M Ni(NO 3 ) 2 at 294 or 353 K, followed by vacuum dehydration at 2.0 × 10 -6 Torr and 623 or 723 K. Their crystal structures and chemical compositions were determined using synchrotron X-radiation and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses to give Ni n -Y, where 25.3 e n e 34.1 per unit cell:121+z Al 71-z O 384 ]-FAU, where 21.4 e u e 24.2, M ) Na and/or Ca, 3.3 e V e 13.1, 9.5 e w e 21.6, 2 e x e 4, 0.3 e y e 3.2, and 0 e z e 2.5. In each of the five crystal structures (space group Fd3 j m; mean a ) 24.47 Å), Ni 2+ is found at sites I, I′, a second I′, II′, and sometimes II; unexpectedly, Na + and Ca 2+ are found at another site II. Two extra-framework oxygen positions (O e ), one in the sodalite cavity and the other nearby in the supercage, are seen on 3-fold axes in all crystals. They bond to Al 3+ and Ni 2+ ions in the sodalite cavities to form Al(O e H) 4 -and Ni 8 (O e ) 4 · xH 2 O e 8+ clusters with Ni 4 (O e ) 4 cores, and with framework oxygens (O f ) to give trigonal bipyramidal Ni(O f ) 3 (O e ) 2 2+ and trigonal pyramidal Ni(O f ) 3 O e 2+ . At site I (centers of double 6-rings) in the Na-Y crystal that was Ni 2+ -exchanged at 294 K, ∼14 Ni 2+ ions per unit cell each coordinate octahedrally to six framework oxygen atoms. The Ni 2+ ions at the first I′ site are 3-coordinate near planar in all crystals. The Ni 2+ ions at the second I′ site are members of the Ni 4 O 4 cores, tetrahedrally distorted cubes with Ni-O ) 2.199(13) Å and O-Ni-O ) 79.6(9)°in a representative crystal; these Ni 2+ ions are distorted octahedral with three O e 's of the cluster and three O f 's. The Ni 2+ ions at sites II′ and II are 3-, 4-, or 5-coordinate. Al(OH) 4-from framework dealumination centers some sodalite cavities in four of the five crystals; their number increased with both ion-exchange and dehydration temperatures, suggesting that dealumination occurred during both processes. The number of Ni 2+ ions per unit cell increases with Ni 2+ -exchange temperature and is greater with K-Y than with Na-Y, perhaps because the larger K + ions are more loosely held. The leaving cation affects the Ni 2+ distribution over the available sites, perhaps via the level of Ni 2+ -exchange. Both a greater degree of Ni 2+ -exchange and a higher dehydration temperature cause more Ni 8 O 4 · xH 2 O 8+ clusters to form, leaving fewer Ni 2+ ions at sites I and II. As more Ni 8 O 4 · xH 2 O 8+ formed, more H + ions were produced. Some H + and some 3-and 4-coordinate Ni 2+ ions are easily accessible for catalysis.