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CLÁUDIA BUHAMRAUniversidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza -CE, Brazil.
MICHEL LAROCHEConcordia University, Montreal -QC, Canada.
13ABSTRACT Purpose: 1. to investigate if a difference is found between university students of both countries. 2. to provide an analysis of the attitudes, intentions, and behavior of Brazilian and Canadian university students regarding the purchase of green products. Originality/value: The relevance includes a cross-cultural study between Brazil and Canada and its possible use as a tool for educators in the Business area seeking to develop curricula that will prepare students for future roles in management. The study may also stimulate other research on green product markets. Moreover, it should be useful to managers in developing corporate environmental management systems in large and small organizations, as well as to professionals seeking to develop marketing strategies based on the behavior of their consumers. Design/methodology/approach: Data analyses were conducted using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Findings: The study demonstrated the positive and direct relationship between intention and behavior. The literature notes incentives and stimuli to promote purchase behavior through features, such as quality, price, and availability. These are key factors in the relationship between intention and purchase behavior.
KEYWORDSConsumer behavior. Purchase intention. Green products. Brazil. Canada.