Turkish textbooks are among the main sources used in teaching processes. For this reason, textbooks should be prepared in accordance with the target group with their language and expression, content, visual design and educational aspects. The pictures to be given with the texts must be made with the artist's sensitivity. As a visual element, paintings have an important function on their own, and when considered together with the text, they become a stimulus that complements the meaning, explains, extends and sometimes adds new meanings to the text. Improve children's comprehension, comparison and perception skills on illustrations in books. It becomes easier for them to understand the subject. In this study, the visuals in the secondary school Turkish textbook were evaluated in the context of relative relativity, conformity with the text, and relation of text painting. In this research, document analysis technique which is one of the qualitative research methods is used. The population of this research, the Turkish textbooks that were taught in the 2018-2019 school year, and the sample are the Turkish textbooks that are taught in the province of Aksaray. In this study, which aims to examine the conformity of the text in Turkish textbooks to the level of text and the picture harmony, 96 texts in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade Turkish textbooks are studied. The study was based on the evaluation criteria of the pictures presented in the course books of İşeri (2014). Descriptive analysis technique was used to analyze the research data. The findings of the study were discussed in the framework of the study and in the framework of the literature and different suggestions were given.