Violence against woman and children has reached public space, working institution and educational institution. Presidential Regulation No. 65 of 2020 on Ministry of Woman Empowerment and Child Protection was stipulated to optimize legal protection for children and woman in Indonesian law and reality through analysis of woman violence and children in Central Java. This article is based on sociolegal approach which focus in implementation of Presidential Regulation No. 65 of 2020 Ministry of Women Empowerment and Children Protection. Analysis is based on empirical data comparison about implementation of this regulation as well as quantitative (statistic) data as empirical result. This study is to identify problems with approaches such as statute approach, sample survey from multiple sources, ethnography observations, in-depth interviews, and case studies analysis. This research shows that Presidential Regulation No. 65 of 2020 as an effort to protect women and children against violence has not been optimum. This is due to limited access to legal aid/services, lack of legal knowledge, case/report collection. There remains high rate of crime against woman and children. According to the data of Commission for Child and Woman Protection, there are about 1.413 cases in 2019 and this number increase to 2.389 cases in 2020. Gender issues in development still show the gender gap, so efforts to optimize the protection of the law on the rights of women and children from various forms of violence and trafficking crimes are urgently needed.