ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian: Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kelulusan dalam pelaksanaan UKNI di institusi regional Sulawesi. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan survei analitik dengan model pendekatan cross sectional study. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala Guttman. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 16 Desember 2016-19 April 2017, sebanyak 72 orang lulusan ners sebagai sampel dari berbagai institusi keperawatan di wilayah Sulawesi, pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara cluster sampling, lalu diberikan kuesioner saat briefing H-1 sebelum ujian kompetensi ners. Uji statistik yang digunakan yaitu uji Pearson correlation dengan tingkat kemaknaan p-value =0,05. Hasil: Ada hubungan kesiapan ujian (p=0,001), try out UKNI (p=0,03), prestasi akademik (p=0,03), dan peran institusi (p=0,005) dengan tingkat kelulusan uji kompetensi ners dan tidak ada hubungan kondisi fisik (p=0,555), praktik profesi dengan tingkat kelulusan uji kompetensi ners. Kesimpulan: Faktor yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kelulusan uji kompetensi adalah kesiapan uji kompetensi. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan yang terkait sistem bimbingan profesi dan pemahaman blueprint terhadap kelulusan uji kompetensi ners.Kata Kunci: uji kompetensi, tingkat kelulusan, prestasi akademikFACTORS RELATED TO A PASS IN TEST OF COMPETENCE FOR INDONESIAN NURSES IN SULAWESI REGIONABSTRACTObjective: To identify factors related to the pass in the Test of Competence for Indonesian Nurses in regional institutions of Sulawesi. Methods: This research employed analytical survey with cross sectional study approach. It used Guttman scale for the questionnaire. Data were collected from 16 December 2016 until 19 April 2017, involving 72 nursing graduates as samples from various nursing institutions in Sulawesi, taken using cluster sampling, and given questionnaire during a briefing session held one day before the test of competence for nurses. The statistical test used Pearson correlation test with significance level ofp-value=0.05. Results: There was correlation of test readiness (p=0.001), try-out for the Test of Competence for Indonesian Nurses (p=0.03), academic achievement (p=0.03), and institutional role (p=0.005) with the passing rate of the test of competence for nurses and there was correlation ofphysical condition (p=0.555), professional practice with the passing level of the test of competence for nurses. Conclusion: The most dominant factor related to the pass in the competence test is the readiness for the competence test. It is necessary to conduct further research on professional guidance system and understanding of blueprint concerning the pass in the test of competence for nurses.Keywords: competence test, passing rate, academic achievement