The experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium data are presented in Table 11. The liquid-phase activity coefficients were evaluated using the classical thermodynamic relationship: Equation 1 allows for the effect of pressure on the liquid fugacity, and for the nonideality in the gas phase. For the latter, the virial equation was truncated to the second term. Wohl's (5) equation was employed to estimate the values of the second virial coefficients. Volumetric data were taken from the literature. For our systems, the contribution of the second term on the right-hand side of Equation 1 was very small.During the experimental determinations, some difficulty was experienced in establishing the equilibrium pressure. Though pressures could be read accurately, pressure changes of 10-15 mm Hg showed no observable effect on the temperature. This was particularly true for the systems containing di-npropyl ether. The following procedure was therefore adopted to determine the equilibrium pressure. The pressure was deliberately changed in small steps until the measured equilibrium temperature differed from 90°C. This gave pressures corresponding to temperatures of approximately 90 + O.05"CJ and the mean pressure was taken to be the equilibrium pressure a t 90°C.The activity coefficients for these systems are close to unity. Considerable scatter was noted in the activity coefficient data, possibly due, a t least in part, to the uncertainty in pressure. The equilibrium data were compared with ideal values calculated from Pi021 2 P*"Xi Yc = -i = 1,2 and are shown in Figures 2-4. Po = pure component vapor pressure, mm Hg R = gas constant, (mm Hg)(cc)/(g mol)(OK) T = temp,"K u = molal volume, cc/g mol x = mole fraction in liquid y = mole fraction in vapor GREEK LETTERS p = second virial coefficient y = activity coefficient A = total pressure, mm Hg SUBSCRIPTS 1,2,i = component 1, 2, or i SUPERSCRIPT L = liquid LITERATURE CITED (1) American Petroleum Institute, Research Project-44, "Selected Values of Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrccarbons and Vapor-liquid equi,libria of the systems methyl propanoate-methanol and methyl propanoate-ethanol measured at 25°C are reported along with the results of the volumes of mixing at the same temperature.Vapor-liquid equilibria a t 25°C for the two binary systems, methyl propanoate-methanol and methyl propanoate-ethanol, were measured by a circulation method. The experimental equilibrium pressures and compositions, together with the liquid activity coefficients and excess Gibbs free energies, are presented. The excess volumes of the systems were calculated using the density values obtained by means of a pycnometer a t 25°C.
EXPERIMENTALThe method and equipment used in this study were described in earlier articles (8, IO).A circulation still with a total capacity of about 150 ml was used for the determination of vapor-liquid equilibrium compositions. When the temperature of 25°C was obtained in the still head, this temperature was maintained for 3 hr to ensure the establishment of equilibr...