Exchange market pressure (EMP) in the Czech Republic is calculated for [1995][1996][1997][1998][1999][2000][2001][2002][2003][2004][2005][2006], when the Czech National Bank transitioned to inflation targeting (IT). EMP is a useful indicator of incipient foreign exchange market pressures, a signal of the need for policy adjustments and a clear delineator of monetary policy regime change. VAR estimates clearly identify quite different policy responses during the two regimes. During 1995-98, interest rate and domestic credit responses to EMP were statistically significant and in accord with traditional theory, i.e. domestic credit creation and interest rates were managed to maintain the exchange rate target as if policymakers were explicitly responding to changes in EMP. During the 1998-2006 IT regime there is a link between domestic credit creation and EMP, with no interest rate effects. Exchange market interventions were incidental and supportive of IT goals. Impulse response functions mirror the VAR and Granger causality results.