A consequence of de Finetti's representation theorem is that for every infinite sequence of exchangeable 0-1 random variables (X k ) k≥1 , there exists a probability measure µ on the Borel sets of [0, 1] such thatX n = n −1 n i=1 X i converges weakly to µ. For a wide class of probability measures µ having smooth density on (0, 1), we give bounds of order 1/n with explicit constants for the Wasserstein distance between the law ofX n and µ. This extends a recent result by Goldstein and Reinert [10] regarding the distance between the scaled number of white balls drawn in a Pólya-Eggenberger urn and its limiting distribution. We prove also that, in the most general cases, the distance between the law ofX n and µ is bounded below by 1/n and above by 1/ √ n (up to some multiplicative constants). For every δ ∈ [1/2, 1], we give an example of an exchangeable sequence such that this distance is of order 1/n δ .