The all-electron full configuration interaction (FCI) vertical excitation energies for some low lying valence and Rydberg excited states of BeH are presented in this article. A basis set of valence atomic natural orbitals has been augmented with a series of Rydberg orbitals that have been generated as centered onto the Be atom. The resulting basis set can be described as 4s2p1d/2s1p (Be/H) + 4s4p3d. It allows to calculate Rydberg states up to n= {3,4,5} of the s, p, and d series of Rydberg states. The FCI vertical ionization potential for the same basis set and geometry amounts to 8.298 eV. Other properties such as FCI electric dipole and quadrupole moments and FCI transition dipole and quadrupole moments have also been calculated. The results provide a set of benchmark values for energies, wave functions, properties, and transition properties for the five electron BeH molecule. Most of the states have large multiconfigurational character in spite of their essentially single excited nature and a number of them present an important Rydberg-valence mixing that is achieved through the mixed nature of the particle MO of the single excitations.