The18 Ne(α,p) 21 Na reaction impacts the break-out from the hot CNO-cycles to the rp-process in type I X-ray bursts. We present a revised thermonuclear reaction rate, which is based on the latest experimental data. The new rate is derived from Monte-Carlo calculations, taking into account the uncertainties of all nuclear physics input quantities. In addition, we present the reaction rate uncertainty and probability density versus temperature. Our results are also consistent with estimates obtained using different indirect approaches.PACS numbers: 25.60.-t,25.55.-e,26.30.-k
I. INTRODUCTIONThere has been much interest recently in the thermonuclear rate of the 18 Ne(α,p) 21 Na reaction at temperatures of type I X-ray bursts [1,2]. Because of the high temperatures of several Giga-Kelvin (in usual notation: T 9 ≈ 1 − 2), the reaction rate is essentially defined by the cross section at energies between 1 and 3 MeV. This corresponds to excitation energies of E * ≈ 9 − 11 MeV in the compound nucleus 22 Mg. The latest studies have focused on indirect determinations of the 18 Ne(α,p) 21 Na reaction rate. Matic et al.[3] obtained excitation energies, E * , of many levels in the 22 Mg compound nucleus by measuring the 24 Mg(p,t) 22 Mg reaction. These energies define the resonance energies, E, in the 18 Ne(α,p) 21 Na reaction, which enter exponentially into the expression for the reaction rate and are thus the most important ingredient. From the same experiment, total widths Γ of these states were derived [4]. In addition, spins and parities, J π , of several states in 22 Mg have been measured recently by resonant proton scattering using the 21 Na(p,p) 21 Na reaction in inverse kinematics [5,6]. Furthermore, the reverse 21 Na (p,α) 18 Ne reaction has been used in two independent experiments [7,8] to determine a lower limit of the forward 18 Ne(α,p) 21 Na reaction cross section. Mohr and Matic [4] found a dramatic disagreement between the earlier forward 18 Ne(α,p) 21 Na reaction data obtained by Groombridge et al. [9] and the reverse reaction data [7,8]. Consequently, the data of Ref. [9] were excluded from the determination of the reaction rate in Ref. [4].Two different approaches have been used in Ref.[4] to determine the 18 Ne(α,p) 21 Na reaction rate from the available data. In the first approach, the experimental resonance energies from the 24 Mg(p,t) 22 Mg reaction [3], together with α-transfer data for the mirror compound nucleus 22 Ne [3], were employed for calculating * Email: the required resonance strengths, ωγ αp . In the second approach, the experimental reverse reaction data [7,8] were corrected for thermal target excitations by using a Hauser-Feshbach model and the forward rate was obtained using the reciprocity theorem. It was shown in Ref.[4] that the reaction rates obtained by these two methods differ by a factor of ≈3. Taking into account estimated uncertainties of a factor of ≈2 for both approaches, the geometric mean value has been recommended in Ref. [4]. The present st...