1This repor t was prepa red as an accou nt of Gove rnmen t spons ored work. Neithe r the United Sintes , nor the Comm ission , nor any person acung on beha lf of the Comm isslon : t 1 . A. Makes any warra nty or repres entatlo n, expres sed or implie d, with respe ct to the accui racy, comp letene ss, or usefu lness of the inform ation conta ined in this report , or that the use of any inform ation, appar atus, metho d, or proce ss disclo sed in this report may not infrlng e I 1 privat ely owne d rights ; or· B. Assu mes any liabili ties with respe ct to the use of, or for dama kes result ing from the use of any inform ation, appar atus, metho d, or proce ss d3sclo sed in this repor t.
'As used in the above, "pers on acting on beha lf of the Comm ission " includ es any employee or contr actor of the Comm ission . or emplo yee of such contr actor , to the exten t that ; such emplo yee or contra ctor of the Comm ission , or emplo yee of Bitch contra ctor prepa res, ]; disse minat es, or provid es acee" to. any inform ation pursu ant to hli emplo ymen t or contra ct ' wiB the r.imm issjon , or his emplo ymen t with 811(b contra ctor.