This paper is dedicated to Professor Carnille S a r~d o ron the occasion of his 65th birthday Uzr EVEN, JOSHUA JORTNER, and ZIVA BERKOVITCH-YELLIN. Can. J. Chem. 63, 2073Chem. 63, (1985.In this paper we report on the excited-state energetics of the two lowest-lying intravalence electronic excitations So -+ S," and So -+ S l y of a large van der Waals complex, consisting of Ar bound to free-base porphine (HIP). HIP. Ar,, complexes were synthesized and interrogated by laser-induced fluorescence in seeded supersonic expansions of Ar and He/Ar. Diagnostic methods, which were based on the dependence of the intensity of the spectral features on the stagnation pressure and on spectroscopy in He(99%)/Ar(l%) mixtures, were utilized for the identification of the vibrationless electronic excitations of H,P.Ar,. The spectroscopic data were supplemented by model calculations of the potential surface, which demonstrate that the single equilibrium configuration of H2P.RI (R = Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe) corresponds to the R atom being located at the twofold symmetry axis perpendicular to the porphyrin ring. While the intense S,, -+ S l y transition of HzP. Ar, exhibits a red, dispersive, microscopic solvent shift (6v = -24 cm-I), the So -+ SI" transition is characterized by a blue microscopic spectral shift (6v = + 8 cm-I), which provides a unique example for excited-state destabilization, originating from intramolecular configurational changes induced by van der Waals binding in a large complex. .Ar1, on a utilisC des mCthodes d'kvaluation qui sont basCes sur la relation qui existe entre I'intensitC des caractCristiques spectrales et la pression de stagnation ainsi que sur la spectroscopie dans des mClanges 2 99% He/]% Ar. On a utilisC les donnCes spectrales de concert avec des calculs modkles de la surface de potentiel qui dimontrent que la seule configuration dlCquilibre du H2P.RI (R = Ne, Ar, Kr et Xe) correspond a celle dans laquelle l'atome R se trouve au niveau de I'axe de symCtrie binaire qui est perpendiculaire au noyau de la porphyrine. Alors que la transition intense So + Sly du H,P.Ar, prCsente un dCplacement microscopique dC au solvant qui soit dispersif et qui se dCplace vers le rouge (6v = -24 cm-I), la transition So -+ S," est caractCrisCe par un dCplacement spectral microscopique vers le bleu (6v = + 8 cm-I); ces rksultats correspondent a un exemple unique de d~stabilisation de 1'Ctat excitC provenant de changements configurationnels intramolCculaires qui sont induits par un couplage de van der Waals dans un vaste complexe.[Traduit par le journal]